Monday, April 26, 2010

It's all in the Details

A special thanks to my dearest friend, Jennifer, who went to a newsagency, trawled through the shelves, and upon finding a copy of 'Details' (You Know The One I Mean), promptly packed it up and mailed to me. Gawd, I love her. My own copy to *ahem* peruse at will!

In local news, my boyfriend has agreed to change his name to Edward in order to get some more attention.

Also, he's now sporting a wig and a wrist cuff. I don't know what's up with that.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bam! Pow! Zap!

I finally grew some balls and entered a fandom contest.
The contest is entitled Public Lovin', and the competition is fierce!
I'm excited and shitting bricks at the same time.

For The Motherfucking Win!
Thanks to ms-ambrosia for this amazing banner too, jeez ILY like a Nutella skinjob baby!