Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Filter

So I've made a few friends on Twitter, and fun times have been had by all.
We've laughed, we've giggled. We've snorted even.
The magical world of the WC* has opened up to me and I've discovered that I'm great at writing under duress. Sure, it takes discipline, but so does not pissing my pants every day.

We all tweet about really important things, like #sparklepoons** and  #nutella*** and sometimes even #stuntcunts**** and occasionally, a picture is twitpic'd and we all squee over it.
But apparently there are still benefits that having a filter can provide.

A lass whom I followed (but didn't really know) posted a link to a picture of the everhot Sparkly One, and being in a peculiar mood, I posted a note on this picture, which read like so:
"I just know that I'm going out in a masturbation-related injury"

Harmless? I think so. Self-explanatory? Why, yes.
Her reply?

"...SORRY??? :("

Oh OK.

So, obviously, having not antagonised her nearly enough, I followed up my original vomtweet with:
"Maybe I'll unintentionally poke out my eye with a frozen cucumber"

Again, an unsubtle reminder of why we're all here; namely, because we love some ice-cold vamp cock, right?


Followed by a scramble of Twitpics of Jake Gyllenhall, perhaps in an attempt to "lose" me, so to speak.
Well, I guess winners is grinners baby.

*Word Challenge; a group chat on gmail where writers set a deadline and get as many words down as possible, followed by a quick chat and sometimes a tease of the writing.

**A reference to a Twitter trend coined by one of my favourite FanFiction writers; SnowWhiteHeart.

*** A reference to an apparently viral love of Nutella. You can catch this by osmosis or even close digital proximity. Beware.

**** A reference to my preferred occupation while working as an extra on the set of Breaking Dawn. Why be the headboard, when you can be Bella's Stunt Cunt? I ask you.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fandom Supports Girl Love

Thank you Cassie Whitlock Hale, for making me this amazing banner, for no reason except that you had a bit of time on your hands today. You've done a stellar job and I really appreciate it! And to think we've just met. How very generous. Now raise your hands and say "How Fucking Good Am I Biatches!"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's Hammer Time

So I'm at work yesterday (this is same day as the cat's head pus incident - please head to Life In General for enlightenment), we're having Friday afternoon drinks because one of us is about to get married and go away for 5 weeks.

We're all sitting around the boardroom table, the boss, and all the rest of the boys, myself and another couple of female colleague. It's a small but happy team, right?

My drink of choice this afternoon is Stone's Ginger Beer, the novelty being that it's alcoholic. I like it so much that my lips keep smacking together and I think I might be moaning like a whore in church.

When it's time to get another round, one of the ladies looks at my beer with the 'I'll Have What She's Having', but there aren't any more. So I pretend to offer her the rest of mine, laughingly suggesting that there might be germs.
At which point, she says;

"Yeah, AND you've sucked a lot of cock..."

...and it's like someone's sucked the air from the room.

Seriously, fucking crickets are chirping.

Not that I can deny it...


If you want to laugh like that again, please head over to Mrs. The King's GYNAZOLE. That shis is so funny that I almost popped a gasket reading it last night. Seriously, a little fart came out and I may have peed my pants a little bit.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Real Life? What Real Life!?

So, it's that time of the day again, where I find myself in front of the computer, idle hands looking for something to doooooooo... you know that time, right?

It might be time to check the DATF Files again. Just saying.

Oh, and maybe read Chapter 25 of The University Of Edward Masen. You know.. if you're bored. Or just whatever.'Night!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eye Candy

Real Life going on.

Writing Chapter 10 of The Dark Muse.

Turned to Project Team Beta for help in getting the story's shit together, as my BFF and (PHD in Literature) brother are buckling under the strain of their own Real Lives.

Not planning to publish TDM until it's completed or very nearly there, as I want to post really regularly.
Okay then!

Without further ado, hope you enjoy the Robward Candy! Hands where I can see 'em ladies!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Welcome to my New Skin

I've created this blog specifically to indulge my Robward obsession.

That way, people who don't appreciate the unearthly appeal of Robward (I know, right? apparently they're out there) won't run screaming from my original blog.
So, welcome fellow Robward lover! Nice to make your acquaintance. Here's one I prepared earlier. Enjoy x