We've laughed, we've giggled. We've snorted even.
The magical world of the WC* has opened up to me and I've discovered that I'm great at writing under duress. Sure, it takes discipline, but so does not pissing my pants every day.
We all tweet about really important things, like #sparklepoons** and #nutella*** and sometimes even #stuntcunts**** and occasionally, a picture is twitpic'd and we all squee over it.
But apparently there are still benefits that having a filter can provide.
A lass whom I followed (but didn't really know) posted a link to a picture of the everhot Sparkly One, and being in a peculiar mood, I posted a note on this picture, which read like so:
"I just know that I'm going out in a masturbation-related injury"
Harmless? I think so. Self-explanatory? Why, yes.
Her reply?
"...SORRY??? :("
Oh OK.
So, obviously, having not antagonised her nearly enough, I followed up my original vomtweet with:
"Maybe I'll unintentionally poke out my eye with a frozen cucumber"
Again, an unsubtle reminder of why we're all here; namely, because we love some ice-cold vamp cock, right?
Followed by a scramble of Twitpics of Jake Gyllenhall, perhaps in an attempt to "lose" me, so to speak.
*Word Challenge; a group chat on gmail where writers set a deadline and get as many words down as possible, followed by a quick chat and sometimes a tease of the writing.
**A reference to a Twitter trend coined by one of my favourite FanFiction writers; SnowWhiteHeart.
*** A reference to an apparently viral love of Nutella. You can catch this by osmosis or even close digital proximity. Beware.
**** A reference to my preferred occupation while working as an extra on the set of Breaking Dawn. Why be the headboard, when you can be Bella's Stunt Cunt? I ask you.
I say fuck the filter. Had I seen that I'd have "LOL"ed you for sure.
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